Coremom adding Mommy Baby Classes in Redondo Beach and Manhattan Beach
In 2018 I will be adding mommy baby classes at Adventure Plex and BCHD Center for Health and Healing and will of course still be available at Bionic Body.

A little over 15 years ago when Lilly was just two months old and I was on maternity leave debating about returning to Sports Club LA to work full time, I received a call from a now wonderful mommy friend of mine Susanna Lutton who worked for Beach Cities Health District. One of her many job responsibilities is she taught a mommy baby exercise class once a week. She brought me in one day and asked if I would take over her class while she was on maternity leave. Although I had plenty of experience training pregnant and new moms I had never taught a class with moms and their babies. I was excited and nervous about the opportunity but I went ahead and began teaching the class. It was an amazing experience and I ended up taking over the class permanently for years even through my next baby. I met so many amazing women who took that class and are still friends, Venita, Laetitia, Marcella, Megan, Nicole. This class also gave me a segway into the small groups of moms I would train at the park. Choosing this path in my career gave me the biggest gift of still working in the fitness industry and being a stay at home mom. Though it was of course challenging at times, I was able to take my babies to work and not worry about child care. I also understand the necessity for a fitness program that brings women together as a “support system” especially in this transitional time of their life where they can experience safe, effective exercise programming for women to “heal” from pregnancy and childbirth and return to their “pre-pregnant selves”. I am very blessed with my path and so exited to return to my “roots” by partnering with the amazing Beach Cities Health. Beginning January 8th you will find my program for moms “Core Mom” available an additional 8 classes a week at Center for Health and Fitness – Beach Cities Gym & Adventure Plex. Here are the “official flyers” released yesterday. This is the beginning of the exciting news coming in 2018, please stay tuned!